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Try the link below for the 31-15 machine. If it does not come through, then web search on "Singer 31-15 manual" and it should come up Form 8268. January, 1916. DIRECT. INSTRUCTIONS. FOR USING. SINGER SEWING MACHINE. No. 31-15. NGER. GLA. SEWING. MACHIN. THE SINGER MANUFACTURING CO. INSTRUCTIONS FOR USING AND ADJUSTING SINGER SEWING MACHINE 31-15 THE SINGER MANUFACTURING CO. USE ONLY SINGER OILS and LUBRICANTS They inure Freedom from sewing machine, brother sewing machines, singer, singer sewing machine, singer sewing machines parts, singer sewing machine manual, singer industrial sewingSinger 15-31 Pdf User Manuals. View online or download Singer 15-31 Manual. Instructions for Adjusters and Machinists. Dec 15, 2015 - Singer 31-15 Industrial Sewing Machine Manual. Includes: Threading machine. Bobbin winding. Instructions for adjusters and mechanics. OIL, sold only by Singer Sewing Machine Company, 31-15. 7. Machine No. 31-20. 13. Numerical List of Parts INSTRUCTIONS FOR ORDERING - Conllnued.
924, 625, 546, 171, 506.